6th Annual Meeting of the Japan Society of Arterial Stiffness




Firstly, you may notice that the conference has changed from being a gresearch meetingh to a gsocietyh. I believe it may take a little while for you to become accustomed to the new name, but the time has come again for the opening of the 6th annual academic society.


This year is the first time for the meeting to be held as an academic society, and I take on the responsibilities as Chair. When first appointed the role as Chair I was a little perplexed, however, the theme this year shall be :

gHow to examine artery walls - Elucidation, remedy, prevention and diagnostic approach to conditions of arterial stiffness based on ASI related index.h

I wish to gather on your tremendous assistance and make this a fruitful academic society.


Lately, the definition and diagnostic standards of the metabolic syndrome, arteriosclerosis, is attracting a lot of attention in common medical practices. Similarly, the importance of an evaluation index for arterial stiffness is greatly increasing. Consequently, the aim of this academic society meeting is to actively discuss and examine some main indices in the evaluation of arterial stiffness, the role and position of ASI, its future prospects and development.  


I appreciate the time you are taking from your busy schedules, and formally request the pleasure of your attendance and presentation submissions. Furthermore, I heartily request your support and co-operation through active discussions and debating on the day for the furtherment of this society.


                                                        Yours Sincerely,

25th May, 2006.

                                                        Society Chair for the 6th Annual Meeting

                                                        Prof. Toru Tsunoda

Medical Department of Hygiene and Public Health

Kyorin University